Sunday, August 12, 2012


This year we decided to go to Oyama and go camping with my dad.  A HUGE thank you to Uncle Jim & Aunt Cindy who lent us their trailer.  It was loads of fun!  My Oma & Opa own lakefront property so the campsite is right on the water with the beach only a minute walk away.  Our kids ( and us) had loads of fun:)

van stuffed full

enjoying some kfc on the way there

snuggling with Great-Oma after my nap

Kyle & Dominick & Uncle John


4 of us in the water

Me & Devon

Benjamin & Oma ('Ma)
I was going to take Benjamin on this but he threw a fit and kept saying "Ma, Ma."  So I asked him if he wanted to go with Oma and he said "Yea"

Kyle, Devon & Austin

Kyle driving the pontoon boat with Great-Opa

Devon driving the pontoon boat with Great-Opa

Benjamin driving the pontoon boat with Great-Opa

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