Friday, September 17, 2010

No Edmonton this year:)

Benjamin has to go for another ERG this fall to check whether his seizure meds are affecting his eyes. We met with the anesthetist at BC Children’s to see whether it could be done in the office in ophthalmology. Because of Benjamin’s history with anesthetics and sleep apneas, he said that was not an option. I think he made a bit of a fuss about the equipment not being portable because BC Children's finally got their act together and unbolted the equipment from the floor in ophthalmology and made it portable so Benjamin could have it done in the OR there instead of in Edmonton. We also found out that he needs tubes in his ears so he is going to have that done at the same time hopefully. We’re still working with the doctors on having it all done together but I’m sure it will work out. If not, I’ll call the anesthetist and I’m sure he will pull a few strings and make a few complaints because of Benjamin’s history. I’m just glad that we don’t have to go to Edmonton. Last time Gary went with Benjamin as I was 6 months pregnant and it ended up being –40* there. Definitely don’t want that to happen again. So I’m glad that it all worked out. We just hope that it works in their OR since and ERG has to do with electrical impulses and since they’ve never done it in the OR at Children’s they might not get a good reading. Don’t ask me to explain because I don’t totally understand it myself. I just hope they can get a good reading and we don’t have to go to Edmonton on top of BC Children’s. Our date for surgery is December 13 and I’m hoping everything goes smoothly and it doesn’t get cancelled.

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