Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Wednesday, March 14

Benjamin was doing well today. He pulled out his ventilator this morning and they had to reintubate him. He was kicking lots today and was wide-awake and looking around. He tried to get his fingers in his mouth and managed to with a little of Mom’s help. Then when I was by Kyle he decided to stick a finger up his nose. Grandma Kanis thought this was really funny. I’m sure it did look funny. He is getting fed 6 ml every 2 hours. He weighs 795 grams (up 30g). Still no results from his head ultrasound. I should also be able to hold him soon!:)

Kyle looked so peaceful sleeping today when I came. He then woke up and started kicking. He tried to pull his NG tube (a feeding tube that runs from his nose to his stomach) out. He is getting fed 2 ml every 2 hours. He weighs 780 grams (up 45g).

Also, a reply to someone. My original due date was May 26, 2007. This is probably around the time the boys will come home from the hospital, depending on how they're doing.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you had a good day today with the boys, Greta.

We'll continue to pray for good results on the ultrasound in the meantime.

*hugs* Betty

Anonymous said...

The way the boys respond to both of you is just amazing! They are so tiny, yet so incredibly full of life! The progress they’ve made in the first 4 weeks of their lives is nothing short of a miracle!

I just love the fact that they have so much spunk – pulling out their tubes, setting off their alarms, etc. Hilarious!! Any grey hairs yet??

Looking forward to seeing you (Greta) and the boys tomorrow,

Ev :)

P.S. Can you explain how we convert grams into pounds/ounces? Thanks!

Anonymous said...

You don't know me. I found your blog by chance. I'm curious to know what your original due date was? I'm glad the babies had a good day. Best wishes to you all!


Larry,Kath&family said...

Gary and Greta

Thanks for the great pictures that you have added to the blog. The kids love coming home and checking out the new pictures. It amazes us at how good the boys respond to you both. God works are amazing.
Larry Kath and kids

Anonymous said...

Hello Gary & Greta,
We really enjoy your blog updates and pictures. It's neat to hear how Benjamin and Kyle respond to you. They are so precious!
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your boys.
Gerry, Ruth, Travis, Blair and Wyatt Neels

Kaelen's Mama said...

I'm glad to hear that you can see your boys again! It sounds like they are starting to form the spirited personalities that little boys have! You guys are amazing parents! You're in my thoughts and Prayers everyday.

Jacqueline Boer

Anonymous said...

Hey Gary and Greta
This blog is a really neat idea, keeps us all up to date. Greetings from Chad, (he's been after me to send a note since the baby was born. )I wasn't sure if I should mail or email, so this is perfect. We wish you God's strength. Seth says "babies" when we ask what to pray for. We all know he means your two precious ones. Sending our love Chad stephanie and seth :)

Anonymous said...

Dear Greta & Gary,
Thanks for setting up this blog. It's a great way to keep up to date without constantly phoning you (even though I still am 'cause I'm so curious to know about the ultrasound). It's awesome to look at the photos. I sure miss you at work, Greta. I am praying that God continues to give you both strength and that the boys continue to do well. Benjamin and Kyle are already miracles, but we can pray for even greater miracles!
Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Dear Gary and Greta,
What an amazing job our dear Maker has given you as new parents. The past month has seen ups and downs yet we see how God ultimately has everything in His hands. Such precious little boys born to loving Christian parents. We will continue to uphold you in our prayers that you may keep up your strength. Thankyou so much for keeping us all up to date, and from across the plains of alberta... we will remember you in our thoughts and prayers.