Friday, July 10, 2009

Exciting News

These past few weeks have not been without their challenges but we found out some very exciting news. We are going to have another little munchkin in our family come Mar 2010. I've already been in the ER twice due to complications but it seems to have settled down now and this past Wednesday they found the heartbeat on the ultrasound. The technician said that it must have just started that day since it was slow but I was very happy to have seen the heartbeat. I'm only 6 weeks and already feeling sick so I've started on the diclectin again. Hopefully I actually gain weight with this pregnancy since with the boys I ended up losing weight. We're just hoping and praying that this baby goes to term. I still haven't found out if there's more than 1 but I personally think there's only 1. I was put on bedrest this past Monday but when I went to the dr yesterday she said that I could come off bedrest and just take it easy. Which is great since it's a little hard to stay on the couch when I have 2 little munchkins who want my attention. Well, that's all for now. Will keep you updated.


Anonymous said...

That is so exciting, and will be praying that all goes well.

Heather said...

Congratulations :o)

Martin and Wieska said...

glad to hear you could come off bedrest!

Rainbow said...

Congratulations! I'm glad you're off bedrest. It's so difficult with little ones to care for. I'm wishing you the best for a healthy and uneventful pregnancy!

Heather said...

How are things going with the pregnancy? Your blog is very quiet :)